Friday, June 15, 2012

The Route Part 2 - Mara Posting

Five months after my infamous 18-hour bus ride through Laos (, I found myself on another long distance bus. This time, it was a 20 hour ride, and I was on the top of the bus; in front, where I could see all of the scenery and our near-accidents.  It was a double decker bus, with 3-in-a-row, 180 degree reclining seats instead of a wheel well, wooden seats, and plastic stools up the aisle with people hanging their heads, trying to sleep. Instead of a roadside stand for a dinner of fish noodle soup, an attendant served me a tray of meats and cheeses (and a glass of champagne).  There was a bathroom on board (so if anyone needed to vomit, they did not have to use a plastic bag and through it out the window). A DVD played, followed by music videos.  And there were no live chickens (or roosters) on board.

Instead of leaving a herd of elephants in a small town, I left a city seething with 15 million people: 18 lanes of traffic on a main road, followed by pedestrian malls of shoulder to shoulder, gray and black jacketed businessmen.  I watched endless streams of people pass by in both directions as I sat at the station. Every 5 minutes, at least 3 buses departed. A line of computer screens indicated which of the 50-some gates my bus would leave from. It was slightly different from the single ticket booth with 50 passengers waiting quietly outside in Laos!

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