Friday, June 1, 2012

Case of the Missing Jacket

A copy of this sign is going up in my bathroom when I get home!
Justin Walley, this one is for you.  We're standing out in front of a typical Riga nightclub after a couple of drinks, waiting for the girls who have lost their jacket (again!).  Its been a long night of traditional Latvian dancing and good local beers.  Justin and I are ready to head back to the apartment for some shut eye.  I jokingly point to the jacket hanging on the lamppost behind Justin (who is ranting on about getting old for this sort of thing) and suggest that maybe we trick her into thinking that this one is hers.  Its dark out and everyone is a little schnockered. He turns and decides that this is, in fact, a good idea.  He runs it down to the bar and pretty soon everyone comes out in an uproar.  Somehow, someone had taken her jacket out of the bar and then left it hanging out front!  A deliberative thief, a confused drunk, no one will ever know.  Certainly not something that happens every day.  Thanks again for the hospitality, Justin.  We really enjoyed our time in Latvia and hope to visit again someday.

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