Sunday, June 10, 2012

La Linda, Salta!

Who needs amusement parks and malls when you have the Plaza de San Martin in Salta filled with kids, dogs, pigeons and sun. My first experience with Catholicism where I felt the real energy of the religion and appreciated it. The bells began to ring around three, and almost as loud as the Muslim call to prayer. Within minutes that beautiful old Spanish Cathedral in the ciudad centro was like a magnet. First came the groups of young people with local prayer flags. Then the blue-white-sun of the national symbol in large crowds. You’d understand why it looks that way after you see a “buen dia” out west here. Next the monks and nuns in brown robes and the familias. The music, full of the organ, echoed through the entire plaza like a grand outdoor cathedral. Then a beautiful old Argentine couple sat down next to us and introduced themselves. They treated that same bench we had sat on for hours like a church pew. He sang with outstretched arms and half-closed eyes, did the sign of the cross at the exact moments, and relaxed in the winter sun. I’ve always thought that religious experiences should be outdoors. Near what I consider the finest gifts of our maker. And so did they. Affirming and lovely. I will never forget it.

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