Friday, December 2, 2011

Packing List

This is Mara writing -
Here is a list of my possessions for the next 8 months, all stuffed into a 20 inch rolling bag (25 pounds) with small daypack (8 pounds):

2 pants, pair of shorts, 3 t-shirts, 2 tank tops, a bathing suit, 1 long-sleeved top, 1 long-sleeved collared shirt, 1 long underwear top (not sure why this made it in there), 1 long skirt, Contact lenses, Small purse, Laundry bag, Socks, Underwear, Chaco sandals (rapidly deteriorating 3 weeks into the trip, after 5 years of use and abuse), Raincoat, Skype headphones, Batteries, vitamins, French translation book, water bottle, emergency locater beacon, calculator, important papers, sunglasses, glasses, Kleenex, alcohol wipe, whistle, journal, book, deodorant, adaptors, headlamp, 1st aid kit, malarone, cipro, antidiarrheal pills, mucinex, flagyl, aleve, toothpaste, toothbrush, tampons, gauze, tape, phone, charger, pens, food, hair scrunchie, computer lock, travel pillow, drain plug, face wash, earplugs, floss, shampoo, conditioner, tweezers, qtips, sunblock, lighter, brush, collapsible fan.

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