Saturday, December 24, 2011

A nation of shopkeepers

Vietnam is a nation of shopkeepers.  Whether you run a corner store, a big box full of Chinese goods, or just have a bottle of water and beer for sale on the street, you have a job in this country.  Whether you have a fleet of limosuines picking up people at the airport or just two seats on the back of a moped (wow, how are we going to fit two people there???) you will turn a quick profit in this country.  Raw capitolism, no "too big to fail" banks, no derivatives trading, no billion dollar marketing schemes.  Just an old man (who managed to survive the war, the bombing that no human should be forced to endure) with a smile and one line in English - "look, see, good shop, what do you want?"  We could learn a thing or two from this "Socialist" country.  Somehow they do capitolism right!  Cut out all the BS, the Superbowl ads, and suddenly beer is $0.29 draughts and $0.75 bottles. 

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