Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Cheers to the shoe repair guys - Mara posting

Four or five years ago, my dog ate one of my Chaco sandals. She didn't exactly eat it, but she sliced the strap cleanly in two places. I was devastated. I had never spent so much money on sandals, and they were useless with a broken strap.  An article in the paper described how shoe repair was making a resurgence in the poor economy.  I decided to give it a shot and was able to get the strap sewn (for $5).  I have worn those sandals at least 100 days a year since then.

Of course, those are the sandals I chose to bring on this trip. And of course, after faithfully serving me for 5 years, three weeks into the trip, the sole came off of one of them.  I reluctantly started to look for replacements, but couldn't bring myself to spend our travel money on another pair of sandals.

One day in Kuala Lumpur, we passed a shoe shiner at the corner of our hotel. After pointing to Greg's shoes every time we walked past, he gave up on us. It was then that I saw that he was making flipflops to sell.  I immediately ran up to the room and brought out my sandal and its flopping sole.  He saw what needed to be done, and five minutes and five dollars later, my Chaco was fixed.

So here's to the shoe repair guys everywhere! 

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