Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Singapore Sling

It’s raining in Singapore today, but still bloody hot.  Typical.  There are two things (beyond the opulent wealth) that I really notice about this tiny city-state nation.  One is acronyms. Some of you know that I used to GIS and GPS for the NPS (National Park Service) and BLM (Bureau of Land Management), but they take it to a whole new level here.   Sure, Malaysia has acronyms for city names like KL (Kuala Lumpur) and KK (Kota Kinabalu), but Singapore seems to use them for everything!  Just read a newspaper from here and you’ll know what I mean (“4C vs 8L is LO-BKK ASAP).  The other thing I notice is the long lines (or Queues or Qs or whatever you want to call them) for everything.  In Singapore there’s a line to get in, to get on, to check in, to eat (which, by the way is well worth it here), to go to the zoo (again, well worth it), to take a piss.  Well, you get where I’m going with this.  I suppose like New York or Rome, everyone has to see this city at least once in their lifetime.  But it sure makes me appreciate the small, lakeside town that we live in North Idaho.  Don’t get me wrong, we were both very impressed by this highly functional, diversified, globalized and sterilized place.  Just not my thing.

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